Psychological Assessments for Children and Adults

Psychological assessment is often helpful in understanding the strengths and challenges an individual may have in their cognitive, behavioural and emotional functioning. At Mind Connect Psychology we believe in the importance of a holistic framework for assessment and working in partnership with families throughout the process. We offer three main types of assessment: cognitive assessment, educational or academic assessment, and social-emotional-behavioural assessment.


Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive assessment, or intelligence testing, can provide valuable insight into a child’s cognitive ability and the skills that are important for classroom learning. Children and adolescents may experience difficulties in learning for various reasons, and a cognitive assessment can identify strengths and weaknesses to inform teaching and learning approaches, and individual interventions. Mind Connect Psychology uses the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC-V) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) to assess cognitive abilities and identify giftedness, intellectual disabilities, learning disorders and the impact of brain injuries.

Educational Assessment

Educational assessment evaluates a child’s level of academic achievement. It can identify strengths and weaknesses in academic skills and compare your child’s academic performance to other children their age or grade. When administered alongside a cognitive assessment, an educational assessment can determine if your child is reaching their academic potential and aid in the identification of giftedness, intellectual disabilities, or specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia. Mind Connect Psychology uses the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Third Edition (WIAT-III) to assess academic skills in reading, writing, mathematics and oral language.

Social Emotional Behavioural Assessment

Social emotional behavioural assessment can provide valuable insight for children and adolescents that may be experiencing various difficulties. This assessment can be conducted on its own, to investigate concerns regarding your child’s mood, anxiety, attention and concentration (including ADHD), or behaviour (including Oppositional Defiant Disorder). It can also form part of a comprehensive assessment which includes tests of cognitive and academic abilities, since these are commonly linked with emotional and behavioural problems. For example, a bored, gifted child may become disengaged from schooling, or a child with learning difficulties may become disruptive in the classroom or experience low mood.  Mind Connect Psychology uses various assessments of social emotional and behavioural competencies. Assessment selection is determined by your child’s particular presentation.

Assessment Process

Initially, parents attend a meeting with their psychologist to discuss their concerns and what they are hoping to achieve through the assessment. This is also an opportunity to gather detailed background information and ensures appropriate test selection. Following this meeting, your child may attend one or two sessions to complete cognitive and educational assessments. Other assessments are typically administered online. Where appropriate, we also gather information directly from your child’s school. It can take up to 3 weeks for the psychologist to score, interpret and prepare a report of the assessment results.  Parents then attend a feedback session where your psychologist will provide an explanation of the assessment results and recommendations and provide a copy of the written report. 

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